Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I want to do this...

It's another online class from Jessica Sprague. This is the first of four episodes and it's on sale for $8.50. It is for hybrid scrapping (digi & paper). You are allowed to have a "lab partner," so anybody want to be mine and split the cost? Here's the info. She does some really cool stuff.


Aaron and Julie said...

I'm tempted. But we are having computer issues at the moment so I don't really know how it would work. But It looks like lots of fun.
I'll have to look it up but there is a website where you add pictures and scrapbook online then pay for them to bind the book. My cousin does it but I don't remember which one she does. Have to let you know.

Mikel said...


So I need to make a baby card and I thought I had kept the one you used for my baby shower but I can't seem to find it. Anyway, is there anyway you could send me a picture of it unfolded(it's the one that looks like a diaper) so I can try to copy it?! My email is Mikel.blake@gmail.com. If you have a chance, I would really appreciate it!
