Sunday, March 15, 2009


So. Scott's been....gone/invisible/MIA/studying for boards for the's been so long I don't remember when it started. At least three weeks, anyway. It's been pretty rough on all of us. Ok. Actually, I've been barely hanging on. A couple of days ago Xander told us he didn't like Daddy's school anymore, and yesterday he was playing with his dinosaurs and one of them was school and the other one was himself and they were fighting. Poor kid misses his dad something fierce. But today, Scott takes the last four tests and will finish sometime soon, I think. (Just because he still sleeps here doesn't mean I get to have any sort of real conversation with him.) We are excited to have him back. And to have passed the stupid tests. Even though he'll still have school. and clinic. It will be wonderful to get back to normal. :D

p.s. Maybe staying in Utah for this whole thing last time wasn't such a bad idea :P


Kim said...

That is so hard!!! I don't know how you do it. Good luck getting through the next week or so, then things will be better!

Susan said...

Hang in there!

stef j. said...

sucks. case used to work crazy long hours and sometimes addi wouldn't see him for weeks (other than some weekend time), and she would go NUTS.

plus it's way hard on us mommas to not get the help and adult conversation and little bit of a break from the kiddos ...

but YOU ROCK, seriously. i always thought you were a way strong woman.

and strong women know that in these types of situations you've just got to rely on the power of chocolate.

Aaron and Julie said...

hmmm your not making me look forward to the next couple years... But then again you miraculously made it through it and it seems like your sanity is somewhat intact!! Only a little while longer... Maybe we should take a weekend and go on vacation and leave the kids with the men!!! ha then they will see what we go through!!

Mikel said...

I hope things are getting better for you! Having MIA husbands totally sucks!

ps. Dave actually just made the header in photoshop.

Net said...

wow, that's brutal. glad he's done. I think it's hilarious that Xander was "fighting" with the school.