Monday, June 29, 2009

The Plan

If you haven't heard...our time here in Texas will be cut short. Scott has been chosen as one of seven of his class for an internship with the Colombian Olympic Team. He'll go after boards in September and be done December 1st. The kids and I will go to stay with my parents the end of August. This is such an exciting opportunity for Scott, but we will miss him..and our friends in Texas. After that...who knows? Hopefully a job somewhere, not in Siberia. We'll store our stuff here just in case.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Our friends, Eric and Laura, invited us for a little R & R last weekend. It was so nice! The kids especially had a blast playing in the water and Xander couldn't get enough of the "boat." Thanks guys, we had a great time! pictures of me, too bad :D was a gorgeous lake. and gigantic. so of course I got lost. after awhile all the bloody lake houses look the same. it only took about thirty minutes of praying myself back. I know, sometimes I'm not that bright.

she'd eat the peel if I'd let her

Laura is so sweet with the kids, she's going to be a great mom!

...and the ties I made for Father's Day.
They turned out ok, but I'll have to try some more.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Spring Recital 2009

MiaLisa and I held our "Spring Recital" a couple of weeks ago. Everyone played well, we were very proud! It's great to see them show off their talent and hard work.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

pee Wii hula