Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I <3 waffles

Love me some pancakes. But I've always struggled making them for some reason. I like them thick and crispy on the edges. Waffles have always intimidated me because I thought they would be even more difficult. Duh. You pour the batter in and take it out when the light goes off. How hard is that - unless you're feeding a crowd! I've been watching this healthy food blog for the last little while and couldn't wait to try this recipe for healthy pancakes and syrup made from fruit juice. My kitchen was mostly packed up so I tried it as soon as I got here. It is fabulous! Pancakes (waffles for me) with wheat flour that taste great and the syrup is amazing. I used apple juice because that's what we had but you can do it with whatever kind you want. I want to try coconut. Anyway check out this blog here if you're interested and here's a direct link for the waffles and syrup. Now all I need is a Texas-shaped waffle iron :)


Amy said...

Oooo! I can't wait to make some syrup! Thanks for sharing Jami!

Mommydew said...

Looks delicious!

Jen York said...

Thanks for the tips, Jami!! I'm excited to try them! How's everything going?

cristy said...

Thanks Jami. I'm excited to have a new food blog to follow!

Aaron and Julie said...

mmmm yummy, it should be illegal to put food on blogs or I just shouldn't be aloud to look at it, because pregnancy cravings are driving me crazy and I'm pretty sure you just created another one!!

stef j. said...


i pretty much love coconut anything.