Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Birthday Girl

I just love how this turned out...and this last year has gone by so fast - it's still on the fridge.

Sweet, sweet happy girl. I wasn't quite ready when you came a week and a half early. But then you've always made your own schedule. You couldn't wait to play with Xander and chase after him. You've always been more interested in playing than eating, but you always take a break to come climb in my lap and give me a hug. You are so independent and love to be outside. One day I'll bribe you to quit sucking your thumb. But for now, I love you sweet girl. You make me happy every day.


Sally T. said...

She's only become more adorable. :-) I really like that baby announcement. Did you do it yourself or go through one of the many companies?

stef j. said...

she is seriously so adorable! one day in like five thousand years we'll have to hang out and make our kids like each other. HAHA!

Jon and Tasha Fam said...

She is cute!! Happy birthday:) The time sure does fly hu???

Susan said...

A year does fly by, huh? She is such a cute baby!!! I love the announcement and one year photo too!