Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pet Peeve

Um, EXCUSE me, but has anyone ever heard of a little thing called PERSONAL SPACE? If you have, you must be one of the few. And I'm not even talking about when a total stranger feels the need to rub your pregnant belly or poke at your young child. Granted, when you're standing in line for something it is acceptable to be clos-er to people, so that others know you're "in line." However, it is not acceptable to be so close to someone that you are constantly bumping them, looking over their shoulder to see what they are doing, joining in any conversation that may be going on between these other people, or breathing down someone's neck.

Standing in line at the Red Box machines for a movie is best done in the morning when there are less people around. Otherwise, I constantly feel VIOLATED as kids are pushing me over and their parents are looking at the movies on the screen over my shoulder...and so on. Hello! I stood in line for 20 minutes, now let me have my time with the box in peace! Am I nuts or is anyone else bothered by this!?


Mommydew said...

I totally know what you mean! I also hate when they stand there and start getting their breath all loud like you are taking way too long!

erin said...

never been to a redbox, and by the sounds of it, not sure i ever will. asia was plenty crowded for pregnant fat girl, and i don't need to relive that misery. throw some elbows next time, or bend over like you forgot something and give 'em the boot. gah! get off me!

Unknown said...

LOL! So, I read this post 2 days ago & just had to giggle. Until I went to Redbox last night. Damn kid hovering over everybody! I swear, I wanted to just bonk him on the head & tell him to go away. As people are trying to see what is available the little dirt bag is just standing literally over their shoulder breathing down their necks. Luckily he left right when my turn came or I'd have kicked him. ;)

Sally said...

That's crazy! People do that?? Maybe we've just been lucky...or Joe hasn't told me his rough experiences. (He goes there way more without me than with... Lucky me, sounds like!)