Saturday, April 26, 2008

Labor: the long story

So...this is how it happened. For those of you that don't know, I was due May 1st. At my appt on Apr 22, I was dilated to a 2 and my Dr and I decided to schedule me for the 28th (and he was confident I was going to make it that far). Anyway, the next night at 3 am I passed a fist-sized blood clot and the Dr said to go ahead and go to the hospital. Many wicked contractions, an IV, and finally an epidural later, the Dr came and broke my water at 7:30 and I was dilated to a 4. Scott had an important final at 9, and again the Dr was confident that the baby wouldn't come til after lunch so Scott left me and went to school. At 8:45 the Dr came to to say he was going to the office and almost didn't check, but I was a 9. So he left to get some breakfast instead and I called Scott to tell him he'd better get back fast (on the Dr's phone b/c mine was already dead). She was facing the wrong way and had the cord wrapped around her neck twice, and we tried to wait for Scott, but she was anxious and came into the world at 9:09 am. Scott ran in a few minutes later after they'd cut the cord and got to hold her since he couldn't take any pictures b/c the battery in the camera was also dead. We got to see the placenta and the Dr said that the blood clot I'd passed was probably from an abruption(?) where the placenta starts to come away from the uterus, and between that and the cord being wrapped around her neck, it was good she came early and all.
That may be too much information for some of you, but I think that's about it.


Mardi said...

Wow - isn't it amazing that these babies seem to know best? She's so precious - can't wait to see her in person.